Dolutegravir (DTG) resistance among ART-naïve and -experienced on DTG-based ART: Highlights from CROI 2024 meeting

June 14, 7:00 am

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Dolutegravir (DTG) resistance among ART-naïve and -experienced on DTG-based ART: Highlights from CROI 2024 meeting


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Join us for webinar on Dolutegravir (DTG) resistance among ART-naïve and -experienced on DTG-based ART: Highlights from CROI 2024 meeting from our guest speaker Dr. Bhavna Chohan.

Dr. Chohan received her PhD (Virology) from University of Washington and MSc from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK. She has worked with HIV/STI research since 1993, serving as Laboratory Manager and Director for collaborative research projects with Universities of Washington/Nairobi in Mombasa, Kenya. After her graduate studies from University of Washington, she returned to Nairobi, Kenya in 2007, where she established molecular virology research laboratory. Her broad goals are to establish and implement quality research on HIV transmission and Pre-exposure prophylaxis to improve health outcomes in Kenya and build a resource of well-trained and qualified scientists in the country. Currently, Dr. Chohan serves as Laboratory Director for University Washington collaborative research studies in Nairobi and conducts funded research studies as lead and co-investigator for NIH and local (Kenya) funded studies. She holds position of Senior Research Scientist position at KEMRI and visiting scientist at University of Nairobi. She lectures and mentor’s students and junior scientists. Her research interests are focused on HIV transmission and drug resistance studies.

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