KAVI-ICR and Dept of Medical Microbiology & Immunology Shine at AIDS2024 Conference in Munich

Members of KAVI-Institute of Clinical Research and the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology at the AIDS2024 Conference

Showcasing Groundbreaking HIV/AIDS Research

The AIDS2024 conference, held from July 22 to 26 in Munich, has been a significant event for researchers and professionals in the field of HIV/AIDS. This year's conference saw active participation from the KAVI-ICR team and the Department of Medical Microbiology, who presented their groundbreaking research and contributed to various sessions, showcasing their commitment to advancing HIV/AIDS research.

The Department of Medical Microbiology and KAVI-ICR team, led by Dr. Marianne Mureithi, played a crucial role in covering this Mucosal Immunology sessions, highlighting the importance of mucosal immunity in the context of HIV prevention.

Other Key Sessions

Dynamic Interplay of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus in Women Living with HIV

Presenter: James Kangethe, Kenyatta National Hospital 

James Kangethe a PhD scholar from the Department and also Kenyatta National Hospital presented on the dynamic interplay of high-risk human papillomavirus in women living with HIV, focusing on persistence, clearance, incidence, and synergies with human T-lymphotropic virus-1 infections in a Kenyan teaching referral hospital.

Notable Attendees and Contributions

The conference also featured prominent figures such as Carlos Diazgranados from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Marianne Mureithi from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Mureithi, a significant contributor to understanding HIV transmission and prevention, represented the Department of Medical Microbiology and highlighted the ongoing research efforts and collaborations.

Collaborative Efforts and Networking

KAVI-ICR team members engaged in numerous sessions, workshops, and interactive Q&A segments, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. The conference provided an excellent platform for networking with global experts, sharing insights, and exploring new research avenues.

Conference Highlights

  • Panel Discussions: Engaging panel discussions on various aspects of HIV/AIDS research, policy, and community impact.
  • Research Presentations: Detailed presentations on cutting-edge research and innovative strategies for HIV prevention and treatment.
  • Networking Opportunities: Valuable opportunities to connect with peers, experts, and stakeholders in the field.



The participation of KAVI-ICR and the Department of Medical Microbiology at the AIDS2024 conference underscored their commitment to advancing HIV/AIDS research. Their presentations and active engagement in various sessions highlighted their pivotal role in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. As the conference continues, the KAVI-ICR team remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of research and fostering collaborations that will lead to significant breakthroughs in HIV prevention and treatment.


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