Our presenters for this week's meeting on the 27th July at 8:00-10:30am are;
1.Name:Terry Wangari Kamau
Title: Factors Associated with Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Women
Seeking Antenatal Care Services in Kenyatta National Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Survey
2. Name: Daisy Wilkister Kouko
Reg-no: W64/12007/2018
Title: Assessment of Infection Prevention and Control Knowledge , Practices, Implementation and Barriers Among Healthcare Workers and Support Staff at Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Nairobi Kenya
3.Name :Obiero Barclay Achieng`
Reg.no :H56/34328/2019
Title: HIV Viral Non-Suppression Trends In Siaya County:2015-2021