Preventing Acute Malnutrition in Women and Children through Livestock Interventions in Northern Kenya

June 2, 7:00 am

Online Via Zoom. Click here to join

Preventing Acute Malnutrition in Women and Children through Livestock Interventions in Northern Kenya


Online Via Zoom. Click here to join

The Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and KAVI-Institute of Clinical Research are excited to host a PhD Thesis Defense by Dr. Josphat Muema on the Preventing Acute Malnutrition in Women and Children through Livestock Interventions in Northern Kenya.


Dr. Muema is a project manager of USAID sponsored project Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Animal Health. Dr. Muema is an epidemiologist at Washington State University -Global Health, Kenya and a PhD fellow at the Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases, University of Nairobi.

His work is focused on understanding the burden and transmission dynamics of infectious zoonotic diseases and their impact on maternal and child health and nutrition. Dr. Muema has over 10 years’ experience in programming, working in government, development agencies and research institutions. He has a keen interest in nutrition-sensitive agriculture programming and resilience.

The talk will occur online at 7:00AM EAT on 2nd of June 2023 and promises to be an informative and engaging event we encourage all those interested in attending.