Putting Sleeping Sickness to Sleep Using a One Health Approach in Kenya

The One Health approached has recently gained traction and momentum following the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the One Health approach is not new and has been applied over the years to deal with various diseases including Neglected Tropical Diseases.

A case being the zoonotic disease, African trypanosomiasis [Also known as as human African trypanosomiasis (HAT)/sleeping sickness in humans and animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT)/nagana in livestock]. This webinar highlights the case of how HAT and AAT was managed using a One Health approach. 

Optimizing interventions of dog-mediated human rabies elimination in Kenya

Join us for this PhD proposal presentation on Optimizing interventions of dog-mediated human rabies elimination in Kenya by Mumbua Mutunga.

Mumbua Mutunga has an MSc Medical Statistics and Bachelor of Economics and Statistics from The University of Nairobi. Her MSc project was on improving accessibility of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis vaccines to support human rabies elimination in Makueni county, Kenya.