Investigating Epidemiology and Genomics of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases and Carbapenem Resistance Enterobacterales (E. coli and Klebsiella) from Patients in Level 5 Hospital and Associated Waste-Water Ecosystem, Thika Kenya

July 12, 7:00 am

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Investigating Epidemiology and Genomics of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases and Carbapenem Resistance Enterobacterales (E. coli and Klebsiella) from Patients in Level 5 Hospital and Associated Waste-Water Ecosystem, Thika Kenya


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Join us for a PhD Proposal on Investigating Epidemiology and Genomics of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases and Carbapenem Resistance Enterobacterales (E. coli and Klebsiella) from Patients in Level 5 Hospital and Associated Waste-Water Ecosystem, Thika Kenya by Grace Waturu

Grace Waturu is PhD student from the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology. She obtained her Masters from same department and undergraduate from JKUAT. She has a rich background in bacteriology, parasitology and immunology. She has research interests in antimicrobial resistance and understanding the genomics of antimicrobial resistant pathogens that enhance their dissemination.