Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Visit the Department of Food Science and Technology

Dr. Noel Onyango second right, Joseph Gichuru PhD scholar 4th from Right, Beatrice Jelimo 1st right all from Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology with the Associate Dean faculty of Agriculture Prof. Catherine Kunyanga and other colleagues

The Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology led by Dr. Noel Onyango conducted Biorisk assessment in Department of Food Science and Technology labs. He was also joined by PhD Scholar Joseph Gichuru and Beatrice Jelimo. The Department of Food Science and Technology team was lead by the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Catherine Kunyanga.

Biological risk assessment is a process that includes the identification, the probability of occurrence and the severity of a potential adverse effect on human health or the environment associated with a specific use of a GMO or a pathogen.

As we move into the One Health approach for research, it is important that both departments create a strong relationship in order foster impactful research that can advise policy within the region.