Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Ushers in New Era with Incoming Postgraduate Students

Nairobi, October 11, 2023 - The University of Nairobi’s esteemed Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology commenced its academic year 2023-2024 with an enriching orientation program, welcoming a new batch of postgraduate students. The multi-day event was meticulously planned to integrate the newcomers into the department’s culture, ethos, and academic rigour.

Day I: Beginning of a Transformative Journey

UoN Collaborative Centre for Research and Training Annual Meeting

For the past twenty-five years, an annual meeting in January in Nairobi brings together the various researchers, their students, government officials, donors and other stakeholders in Kenya to discuss their latest research results, ongoing projects and future plans.

Details for the 2024 Conference are as follows:

Date: January 22-26, 2024
Venue: Nairobi Serena Hotel

The meeting will span five days, culminating in a retreat on January 27. The preliminary program and thematic sessions will be shared in January.

MSc Research Projects Presentations

Our presenters for this week's meeting on the 7th November at 8:00-11:30am are:-

1.Name:Robert Mugoh

Title: Characterization of colonizing resistant beta lactamases and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates from selected hospitals and communities in Kenya.


2.Name :Somane Hassan Abdi :W64/31974/2019

Title: Knowledge and Health seeking practices on Neonatal Danger signs and associated factors among PostNatal Mothers at Pumwani Hospital