Department Student Wins the Norman L Letvin Award

Delories Sikuku (left) with Department Chair Dr. Marianne Mureithi at CAVD 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa

Delories Sikuku, an MSc student in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, recently received the prestigious Norman L Letvin award for her outstanding research in the field of AIDS vaccine discovery. The award was presented to her at the Collaborative AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD) meeting held in in Cape town South Africa in February 2023.

The Norman L Letvin award is named after the renowned immunologist Norman Letvin, who made significant contributions to AIDS vaccine research. The award recognizes exceptional students and young researchers who have contributed significantly to HIV vaccine research.

At the CAVD meeting, Delories had the opportunity to present her research as a poster presentation. She received critical feedback and suggestions from leading scientists and scholars in the field of HIV vaccine research. Delories was thrilled to have the opportunity to network with these experts and learn from their insights and experiences.

Receiving the Norman L Letvin award was a significant accomplishment for Delories. She felt honoured to be recognized for her hard work and dedication to HIV vaccine research. The award has inspired her to continue her research and further contribute to the field.

Delories thanked her mentors and colleagues for their guidance and support throughout her research. She also expressed her gratitude to the CAVD organizers for the opportunity to present her research and network with leading experts in the field.

Delories Sikuku's success at the CAVD meeting is a testament to the quality of research being conducted at the department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. Her work has the potential to make a significant impact in the field of HIV vaccine research and contribute to the development of a much-needed HIV vaccine.

In conclusion, the Norman L Letvin award is a significant achievement for Delories Sikuku, and her research has the potential to make a substantial contribution to the field of HIV vaccine discovery. Leading experts have recognized her dedication and hard work in the field, and she has inspired other young researchers to pursue their goals in HIV vaccine research.

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