MSc Research Projects presentation

Our presenters for this week's 10th March 8am meeting are; 

1.  Presenter: Mohammed Zubair Munshi

Title: Comparative distribution of S.aureus nasal carriage in diabetic and non-diabetic populations in Kenya.

2. Walter Oguta

Title: 'Clinical and Sub-clinical Mastitis in Different Cattle Production Systems in Kenya: Molecular Analysis and Antibiotic-resistance of the Associated Bacterial Species.'

MSc Research Projects presentations

Our presenters for this week's 10th March 8 am meeting are; 

1.  Presenter: Mohammed Zubair Munshi

Title: Comparative distribution of S.aureus nasal carriage in diabetic and non-diabetic populations in Kenya.

2. Walter Oguta

Title: 'Clinical and Sub-clinical Mastitis in Different Cattle Production Systems in Kenya: Molecular Analysis and Antibiotic-resistance of the Associated Bacterial Species.'